Thursday, December 1, 2016

Pick a Path - The Clowns

Omaka camp

Omaka is a nice relaxing peaceful camp.Not only can you pat the eels but it's perfect for games and exploring.So come on down bring your family your uncles your Aunty your grandma and grandad  and your cousins. Don't let the eels bite
You can walk to rotokohatu it's only 2-5 minutes walk from the camp.You can hire kayaks sailing boats paddle boards.go down to the gronenes and do some orienteering.

Monday, November 14, 2016


On wensday we went kayaking its was fun once we gotin the warter we played games my favourite game was warter polo it wasa 5 km kayaking trip afterawhile i felt one with my kayak and started gettign the hang of it 3 km in we stopped for lunch and we had to drag our boats up the hill after lunch we moved up abit and played more games i wasso exited when i gotto the end to finally see my friends

Hobby photos

Sunday, November 13, 2016

10 km run

Me marcus and my sister did the ten km run together my sister ran ahead while me and marcus did a slow pace our legs were aching and we couldn't wait to finish towards the end i said marcus you go ahead and finish when i fi

Thursday, September 22, 2016


in the holidays i made pumpkin soup i had to spoon out the seeds and chop up the pumpkin and put boiling i spilt some on myhand and had to run it under cold water the mushed it up

community service at school

on friday we had teachers only day we did 3 hours of cutting cabbage trees and raking leaves and moving them on the hand saw the one i had had blunt theeth so it took me ages to get through


2 weeks ago i baked rice cake it has custard and rice if you make this recipe and it has to much sugar it has half a cup but i suggest 1/4 of sugar my mum and dad liked it it took 40minutes -1 hour cooking time sometimes takes longer if your oven isnt pre heated

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Lake daniels

after school we went to the vans for the journey ahead to lake daniels we got there had some tea then westport arrived we got ready and had a chat about the walk we soon set off i was with miss hanna it took a while to arrive at the hut my feet were ahcdeing we arrived me and my friends put our sleeping bags out and pegs our spots we had pan cakes with cream and jam and went to sleep it was the worst sleep ever i tossed and turned we woke up had breakfast and hanged around for abit and set off again.theres not much to talk about apart from sore FEEETTT me and hayato finally arrived back at the vans sore as we drove of to the lewis pass the was so fun the snow deep and slippery we fell over heaps got our shoes i was soked i couldnt wait to get home and change and have a warm bath


this is 5 weeks worth of work about the power of positivity

Monday, June 13, 2016

WPCA hobby

on the 12/6/16 i start my hobby i am doing cooking i made coco coconut and choc chip biskets they were yummy i left them in ball form and they flatend out into normal biskets

WPCA ropes day

WPCA ropes day

On the 3/6/16 we had a william pike challenge it was so cool but i was nervous i'm not really afraid of heights i do like climbing trees at home but that is different to trees at the groynes we did some team building me marcus holly p emma hugh rihanna lachlan and jack b brooklyn we did this team building thing were there was a rope and a bunch of little platforms we had to have our foot on in and someone else's it was challenging and made us think we did. Then we had one more team building activity we did that and then we had morning tea then we would get into the really fun challenging stuff we got called over to put on our harness i was so hyped to climb i love climbing once we got our gear on we went to our first climbing wall ladder thing the one i was on was the giant's ladder we were the second group to climb up i was with marcus and rihanna. Rihanna had the corner and i was on the other corner too marcus was in the middle it was so hard for me because i was too short i only got up to 6-7 rung on the ladder and there was 11 then we moved onto the vertical playground my hands were burning and my muscles in my legs and arms were aching but i was so close to the top and i made it then we had lunch next we did the flying kiwi i went first you have to run as fast as you can and then you go flying it was awesome once our group was done we went onto a big balancing pole thing i rocket through it then i had to wait for the last one and i went last i had 3 minutes to complete it and i did it in  one minute and seven seconds

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Mount grey

Me and my dad my sister my uncle and my two cousins claimed up mount grey it was an enjoyable walk. Me and my cousin alesha talked about there power going off and it was my sister and cousin Jakob up the front they were racing ahead but I was going a slow pace in no time we were up but it felt for ages my uncle got stun my a wasp two times in the eye and my dad yelled RUN!!!!!!! We bolted but my uncle got stun by a wasp we made it to the top and had some food took some pictures and rested for a bit we went down the lake Janet I was stuck behind my cousin for wpawhile but a eagerly got passed her and bolted down the hill to Amelia and Jakob we turned slide fell over and ran down the hills we all got down the hill one way or another there was this one really wide bit and it was so easy to run down at the end of it there was a cut in half tree i nearly ran into it now we were so close down to the bottom we ran the rest of the way down the hill then we had to wait for my dad cousin and uncle then we had to go back to the track we started at and pick up there ute then we went home and rested our  sore and wet feet


on the 12 of march hayato and i did a BBQ for community work all we did was do onions we were really happy and hypo so the guy told us to go take a run we did that twice he gave us 3 half sausage there where good then hayato left and i had to help pack up i got 2 or 3 hours of community work done once hayato left i got two free sausage


Me Hayato and Marcus are in movie and animation i picked it because i liked the sound of the stop animation and also it’s different to me and i have never tried it before

I expected  it to  easy to do but it’s not because of when you have to move an object you can’t move it to much or you can easily tell that you’ve moved it’s hard to make a car smash in the building with Lego you can’t make the Lego stay in the place

it was very enjoyable to make two movies with Marcus and Hayato the first one we did a car smashing through a building but it was very short then we made a movie with a car and a person getting hit by a meteorite I’ll put the videos on my blog

My goal next time is to make a longer video and a bit more different than last time me Marcus and Hayato were thinking of doing a race car crashing halfway through the race it will make it longer and should look really cool when I'm done

Thursday, May 26, 2016

I'm lining up at the line and the clappers go me and Marcus are going to run together I was so nervous leading up to it but once the clappers went I was fine everyone bolted ahead of me and Marcus but we didn't care because it was our last cross country we didn't have to worry about getting a good placement this year all the other years of cross country I got in the top six but this year I didn't care I just kept running and running and running chatting away with Marcus listening to the birds chirping it was nice but tiring I couldn't wait to finish we just got around the top field and had to go down a little hill I started a slow decent down it but began to get a more faster pace on I got down to the bottom before Marcus did but that made me abt more puffed out we ran around the bottom felid and into the forest in was nice and peaceful in the forest but it took us awhile to get out because of the sun would be beaming down upon us again we jogged but at a slow pace but made it out we came to the exit and the sun beamed back down on us we ran up and around the little field and along the big field again I began to sprint to the finish line I begin to think it's not going to end but in does I probably started sprinting to early but I just wanted to finish and I passed through the finish line ran to my bag got my water picked up my bag and walked to my mum we walked back up the hill to the teacher and tell her I was going home with my mum and we hoped in the car and went home 

Wednesday, May 25, 2016


The boy in the striped pyjamas

Author  JOHN BOYNE  
Here is the Blurb:
Nine year-old Bruno knows nothing about final solution and the holocaust.He is oblivious to the appalling cruelties being inflicted on the people of Europe by his country. All he knows is that he has been moved from a comfortable home in berlin to a house in a desolate area where there is nothing to do and no one to play with. Until he meets Shmuel a boy who lives a strange parallel existence on the other side of the adjoining wire fence and who like the other people there wears a uniform of striped pyjamas.

Bruno's friendship with Shmuel will take him for innocence to revelation.And in exploring what he is unwittingly a part of , he will inevitably become subsumed by the terrible process


he will explorer out and find the village where he will meet shmuel and give him lots of food because he is skinny to fatten him up and he will go in gas chamber with him and make his father realise what he did 

How to speak dragonese

Book Reviews

Chicken Coup

On the 27.1.16 Marcus and I did some community we cleaned out the chicken coop and did some sweeping around the school on the 29.1.16 Marcus and i did more community work we did more sweeping and sorted out the stationary for the whole school

Rakahuri rage

We all meet up at the tents.Mr priddy gave my group a bag with the number we were and a drink bottle. Then we walked over to a little tent and a guy explained the rules. Then we waited at the starting line for  about 5 minutes then we started counting down 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 and they were off. Marcus went first he was in my group so was Hugh now all we could do was wait.Then Hugh rocketed off and I had to wait. About 25 to 27 minutes passed and it was my turn I waited eagerly for Hugh to tag me in and in know time I was off accelerated around the corner and in a second I was in the forest zooming threw the windy and narrow track. I had people whizzing past me in a mater of seconds but I didn't care. I start seeing these black shirts and I realize it was my friends Derrin and Hayato I zoomed passed them. Hayato said"stay with us Samuel"but I said"maybe next time " I continued to zoom around the forest bit and in no time I was out of the forest. I had no clue what was a head of me there were hills and just gravel. I slowly got up one of the hills with the last ounce of energy I was in gear three which was a bit to tight for me but i got up and then we rode for about 30 seconds and then had to go down a hill I took it a bit to wide and had to slow down I speeded up rocketed up a small hill and had to get ready to change down in to gear one but i failed still made in up but in the wrong     gear i was so tied a venturely i tagged in Marcus and threw my bike down i rested my legs. I got ready for Hugh to tag me in. I zoomed in and out of the forest in no time it wasn't really exiting. I got back to tag in Marcus and he zoomed off and my legs were aching I drank half a bottle in 30 seconds basically i rested my legs and had an hour to cool down i was hoping Marcus and HUgh would take longer. but they zoomed quickly to tag hugh then me i had hoped this was my last la but is wasnt i finished my lap and hoped that i wouldnt have to do another lap but i knew i had to and i was dreading it i waited for hugh to come tag me in me and holly were going to have a race but i left my bike in gear 7 and tried changeing down but it was to late i got a good head start but she caught up with me and i cut her off and nearly pushedher in the fence but she zoomed past and i was left in her dust i dorddled along to the finish jumped off my bike and got water we came third out of the kids.

WPCA - Activities

WPCA - Interactions

Mount Richardson

I prepared my bag for the mt Richardson walk i walked up to browns road and the bus picked me up we arrived at school and went to the mt Thomas room to see who was away then some people went on the bus and some went in cars we got to mt richardson and numbered  off then we started our climb it wasn't that intresting on the way up. Me and zoe were walking together and the last few bits were quite steep we pushed up to the top and finally made it we sat down and put warm clothes on snd ate some food we sat down for abit and soon we had to go back down ;( my feet were killing me at the start of going down I was up ahead and I jumped over this little paddle at the same time as holly and pushed her in to the water and holly had a wet shoe for the rest of the walk. I began to walk with Hayato but he started slowing down and I was alone again I walked by myself until I cought up with Rachel and her dad they stoped for water but I kept going they eventually caught up and I was walking with them again  they stoped again and I kept walking and then there was a steep down hill bit I put my feet in front of me and slide down like that the from there it was basically flat and we were nearly there a kept on walking and walking and soon saw the other people I limped slowly to them and put my bag down and waited for the people way behind us so that we could go home.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Explain everything

if  you want to became an expert in capacity watch this video

Monday, May 2, 2016

Summer Sounds Community Service

Community serves 

Me and Marcus did the raffle at the summer sounds and we didn't get much sales then me and Marcus had to do another stand which was way funnier cause people bought stuff we had lollies blow up hammers and guitars we also sold chips glow balls and wrist band things and drinks it was pretty fun but we had Hugh and Hayato go behind us and hit me and Marcus on the back of the head with was annoying but it was a blast.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Today we did capacity and length and mass.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Hawdon Hut

I was so excited for Hawdon me and Hayato waited for the vans and the car we hoped in the car and drove to Hawdon we shared our rashness with our food groups and set of on the long walk we walked for five minutes and already had to cross the icy cold water William had a talk to us on how to cross the river safely once we crossed the river we were on our way we had rocky flat hilly and water i was struggling before we got half way and the sun didn't help after we walked for a bit we finally came across water

we all cooled of in the river refilled our bottles put our packs back on and  walked the sun basically dried  us off in seconds it was so hot we trudged on though wondering how far the hut was but i had to remain positive and walk i was so tired i couldn't wait to take my pack off after a while we came across a land slide sort of thing we walked across it and went back in the bush we walked for about five to ten minutes and we came across a hut and guess what it was hawdon hut i shot full of energy a raced up the steps dumped my bag took my shoes off. Mr priddy had a chat to us about stuff after that we put our bags into our bunk rooms then we pegsed which ones we want and grabbed our sleeping bags and set our bed up then we explored a bit before going down to the river and cooling of in the river William gave me his go pro and we jumped in playing around with it(dont worry it was water proof)me and marcus kept incoreging people to jump in it took a while but we got nearly every one in the river after a while we hoped out and put hayato in rocks to warm up after a while all you could see was his face and toes
Then we started to head back we had another quick chat and then waited for tea. For tea we had dried food which is yum by the way once we had tea we got warm clothes on and went bolder hopping and had a really bad head ache which made me slip and it got so bad me and Ethan and Mrs s had to stay behind and waited  for them to come back once we got back we had Milo and William told us about his accident at Mount rapui and the he said dose any and holly m shot her hand up before he finished and then he said take my prosthetic leg off and she put her hand down and i put mine up and he picked me i pulled it off and it felt weird we William finished the talk we got ready for bed we all hoped in bed and Eb and riely and lachlan were talking once they finished taking i fell asleep i woke up and was sore we packed up our stuff and had breakfast then we put our wet shoes on and socks and got a photo ten we headed off  on the tramp back i was at the front for 1 hour and then i started falling back and by then we were so close there isn't much fun stuff to talk about on the way back i just couldn't wait to get home  we had about 40 minutes to go.we were so close all we had to do is walk up a little hill and we were there me hayato and haylley were there finally we had lunch and put our packs in the truck and went to cave streams 

Cave Stream

we were on our way to cave stream once we were there we changed in to our polyesters thermals and mr priddy checked our clothes and we walked down i was quite  nervous we finally got down and the firt two food groups went in while the rest had to wait a bit i was one of them we finally  got in and as soon as i hit the water it was cold  at firt it was up
 to my belly button just a tiny bit above i was so excited  to get in the water and the cave me and my group warned the group behinf us for any drops or slipry  rock and by the time we walked for a bit we were basicly there the last bit was tricky beacause there was a ladder and then a little ledge but it was fine once you did it then we sat at the top were th water was warmer we walked back up and changed if we had time to and hoped back in the cars and vans and went back on the way past they dropped me off

Monday, February 29, 2016

Hawdon Hut

I was so excited for Hawdon Hut, me and Hayato waited for the vans and the car we hopped in the car and drove to Hawdon. We shared our rashness with our food groups and set of on the long walk we walked for five minutes and already had to cross the icy cold water William had a talk to us on how to cross the river safely once we crossed the river we were on our way we had rocky flat hilly and water i was struggling before we got half way and the sun didn't help after we walked for a bit we finally came across water
we all cooled of in the river refilled our bottles put our packs back on and walked the sun basically dried us off in seconds it was so hot we trudged on though wondering how far the hut was but i had to remain positive and walk i was so tired i couldn't wait to take my pack off after a while we came across a land slide sort of thing we walked across it and went back in the bush we walked for about five to ten minutes and we came across a hut and guess what it was hawdon hut i shot full of energy a raced up the steps dumped my bag took my shoes off. Mr priddy had a chat to us about stuff after that we put our bags into our bunk rooms then we pegsed which ones we want and grabbed our sleeping bags and set our bed up then we explored a bit before going down to the river and cooling of in the river William gave me his go pro and we jumped in playing around with it(dont worry it was water proof)me and marcus kept incoreging people to jump in it took a while but we got nearly every one in the river after a while we hoped out and put hayato in rocks to warm up after a while all you could see was his face and toes

 Then we started to head back we had another quick chat and then waited for tea. For tea we had dried food which is yum by the way once we had tea we got warm clothes on and went bolder hopping and had a really bad head ache which made me slip and it got so bad me and Ethan and Mrs s had to stay behind and waited for them to come back once we got back we had Milo and William told us about his accident at Mount rapui and the he said dose any and holly m shot her hand up before he finished and then he said take my prosthetic leg off and she put her hand down and i put mine up and he picked me i pulled it off and it felt weird we William finished the talk we got ready for bed we all hoped in bed and Eb and riely and lachlan were talking once they finished taking i fell asleep i woke up and was sore we packed up our stuff and had breakfast then we put our wet shoes on and socks and got a photo ten we headed off on the tramp back i was at the front for 1 hour and then i started falling back and by then we were so close there isn't much fun stuff to talk about on the way back i just couldn't wait to get home we had about 40 minutes to go.we were so close all we had to do is walk up a little hill and we were there me hayato and haylley were there finally we had lunch and put our packs in the truck and went to cave streams Cave Stream we were on our way to cave stream once we were there we changed in to our polyesters thermals and mr priddy checked our clothes and we walked down i was quite nervous we finally got down and the firt two food groups went in while the rest had to wait a bit i was one of them we finally got in and as soon as i hit the water it was cold at firt it was up to my belly button just a tiny bit above i was so excited to get in the water and the cave me and my group warned the group behinf us for any drops or slipry rock and by the time we walked for a bit we were basicly there the last bit was tricky beacause there was a ladder and then a little ledge but it was fine once you did it then we sat at the top were th water was warmer we walked back up and changed if we had time to and hoped back in the cars and vans and went back on the way past they dropped me off.

Cave Stream

we were on our way to cave stream once we were there we changed in to our polyesters thermals and mr priddy checked our clothes and we walked down i was quite  nervous we finally got down and the firt two food groups went in while the rest had to wait a bit i was one of them we finally  got in and as soon as i hit the water it was cold  at firt it was up
 to my belly button just a tiny bit above i was so excited  to get in the water and the cave me and my group warned the group behinf us for any drops or slipry  rock and by the time we walked for a bit we were basicly there the last bit was tricky beacause there was a ladder and then a little ledge but it was fine once you did it then we sat at the top were th water was warmer we walked back up and changed if we had time to and hoped back in the cars and vans and went back on the way past they dropped me off