Tuesday, May 31, 2016


Me Hayato and Marcus are in movie and animation i picked it because i liked the sound of the stop animation and also it’s different to me and i have never tried it before

I expected  it to  easy to do but it’s not because of when you have to move an object you can’t move it to much or you can easily tell that you’ve moved it’s hard to make a car smash in the building with Lego you can’t make the Lego stay in the place

it was very enjoyable to make two movies with Marcus and Hayato the first one we did a car smashing through a building but it was very short then we made a movie with a car and a person getting hit by a meteorite I’ll put the videos on my blog

My goal next time is to make a longer video and a bit more different than last time me Marcus and Hayato were thinking of doing a race car crashing halfway through the race it will make it longer and should look really cool when I'm done

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