Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Rakahuri rage

We all meet up at the tents.Mr priddy gave my group a bag with the number we were and a drink bottle. Then we walked over to a little tent and a guy explained the rules. Then we waited at the starting line for  about 5 minutes then we started counting down 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 and they were off. Marcus went first he was in my group so was Hugh now all we could do was wait.Then Hugh rocketed off and I had to wait. About 25 to 27 minutes passed and it was my turn I waited eagerly for Hugh to tag me in and in know time I was off accelerated around the corner and in a second I was in the forest zooming threw the windy and narrow track. I had people whizzing past me in a mater of seconds but I didn't care. I start seeing these black shirts and I realize it was my friends Derrin and Hayato I zoomed passed them. Hayato said"stay with us Samuel"but I said"maybe next time " I continued to zoom around the forest bit and in no time I was out of the forest. I had no clue what was a head of me there were hills and just gravel. I slowly got up one of the hills with the last ounce of energy I was in gear three which was a bit to tight for me but i got up and then we rode for about 30 seconds and then had to go down a hill I took it a bit to wide and had to slow down I speeded up rocketed up a small hill and had to get ready to change down in to gear one but i failed still made in up but in the wrong     gear i was so tied a venturely i tagged in Marcus and threw my bike down i rested my legs. I got ready for Hugh to tag me in. I zoomed in and out of the forest in no time it wasn't really exiting. I got back to tag in Marcus and he zoomed off and my legs were aching I drank half a bottle in 30 seconds basically i rested my legs and had an hour to cool down i was hoping Marcus and HUgh would take longer. but they zoomed quickly to tag hugh then me i had hoped this was my last la but is wasnt i finished my lap and hoped that i wouldnt have to do another lap but i knew i had to and i was dreading it i waited for hugh to come tag me in me and holly were going to have a race but i left my bike in gear 7 and tried changeing down but it was to late i got a good head start but she caught up with me and i cut her off and nearly pushedher in the fence but she zoomed past and i was left in her dust i dorddled along to the finish jumped off my bike and got water we came third out of the kids.


  1. You did really well in Rakahuri rage. What place did you come with your team again

  2. Samuel you did great and great job on coming second

  3. You did well too Hayato give yourself a pat on the back

  4. Holly i came 2 out of our school and 3 in the school category
