Thursday, May 26, 2016

I'm lining up at the line and the clappers go me and Marcus are going to run together I was so nervous leading up to it but once the clappers went I was fine everyone bolted ahead of me and Marcus but we didn't care because it was our last cross country we didn't have to worry about getting a good placement this year all the other years of cross country I got in the top six but this year I didn't care I just kept running and running and running chatting away with Marcus listening to the birds chirping it was nice but tiring I couldn't wait to finish we just got around the top field and had to go down a little hill I started a slow decent down it but began to get a more faster pace on I got down to the bottom before Marcus did but that made me abt more puffed out we ran around the bottom felid and into the forest in was nice and peaceful in the forest but it took us awhile to get out because of the sun would be beaming down upon us again we jogged but at a slow pace but made it out we came to the exit and the sun beamed back down on us we ran up and around the little field and along the big field again I began to sprint to the finish line I begin to think it's not going to end but in does I probably started sprinting to early but I just wanted to finish and I passed through the finish line ran to my bag got my water picked up my bag and walked to my mum we walked back up the hill to the teacher and tell her I was going home with my mum and we hoped in the car and went home 

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