Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Mount grey

Me and my dad my sister my uncle and my two cousins claimed up mount grey it was an enjoyable walk. Me and my cousin alesha talked about there power going off and it was my sister and cousin Jakob up the front they were racing ahead but I was going a slow pace in no time we were up but it felt for ages my uncle got stun my a wasp two times in the eye and my dad yelled RUN!!!!!!! We bolted but my uncle got stun by a wasp we made it to the top and had some food took some pictures and rested for a bit we went down the lake Janet I was stuck behind my cousin for wpawhile but a eagerly got passed her and bolted down the hill to Amelia and Jakob we turned slide fell over and ran down the hills we all got down the hill one way or another there was this one really wide bit and it was so easy to run down at the end of it there was a cut in half tree i nearly ran into it now we were so close down to the bottom we ran the rest of the way down the hill then we had to wait for my dad cousin and uncle then we had to go back to the track we started at and pick up there ute then we went home and rested our  sore and wet feet

1 comment:

  1. Sounded like fun! Remember to put your punctuation in Samuel!
