Monday, June 13, 2016

WPCA hobby

on the 12/6/16 i start my hobby i am doing cooking i made coco coconut and choc chip biskets they were yummy i left them in ball form and they flatend out into normal biskets

WPCA ropes day

WPCA ropes day

On the 3/6/16 we had a william pike challenge it was so cool but i was nervous i'm not really afraid of heights i do like climbing trees at home but that is different to trees at the groynes we did some team building me marcus holly p emma hugh rihanna lachlan and jack b brooklyn we did this team building thing were there was a rope and a bunch of little platforms we had to have our foot on in and someone else's it was challenging and made us think we did. Then we had one more team building activity we did that and then we had morning tea then we would get into the really fun challenging stuff we got called over to put on our harness i was so hyped to climb i love climbing once we got our gear on we went to our first climbing wall ladder thing the one i was on was the giant's ladder we were the second group to climb up i was with marcus and rihanna. Rihanna had the corner and i was on the other corner too marcus was in the middle it was so hard for me because i was too short i only got up to 6-7 rung on the ladder and there was 11 then we moved onto the vertical playground my hands were burning and my muscles in my legs and arms were aching but i was so close to the top and i made it then we had lunch next we did the flying kiwi i went first you have to run as fast as you can and then you go flying it was awesome once our group was done we went onto a big balancing pole thing i rocket through it then i had to wait for the last one and i went last i had 3 minutes to complete it and i did it in  one minute and seven seconds