Thursday, March 24, 2016

Today we did capacity and length and mass.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Hawdon Hut

I was so excited for Hawdon me and Hayato waited for the vans and the car we hoped in the car and drove to Hawdon we shared our rashness with our food groups and set of on the long walk we walked for five minutes and already had to cross the icy cold water William had a talk to us on how to cross the river safely once we crossed the river we were on our way we had rocky flat hilly and water i was struggling before we got half way and the sun didn't help after we walked for a bit we finally came across water

we all cooled of in the river refilled our bottles put our packs back on and  walked the sun basically dried  us off in seconds it was so hot we trudged on though wondering how far the hut was but i had to remain positive and walk i was so tired i couldn't wait to take my pack off after a while we came across a land slide sort of thing we walked across it and went back in the bush we walked for about five to ten minutes and we came across a hut and guess what it was hawdon hut i shot full of energy a raced up the steps dumped my bag took my shoes off. Mr priddy had a chat to us about stuff after that we put our bags into our bunk rooms then we pegsed which ones we want and grabbed our sleeping bags and set our bed up then we explored a bit before going down to the river and cooling of in the river William gave me his go pro and we jumped in playing around with it(dont worry it was water proof)me and marcus kept incoreging people to jump in it took a while but we got nearly every one in the river after a while we hoped out and put hayato in rocks to warm up after a while all you could see was his face and toes
Then we started to head back we had another quick chat and then waited for tea. For tea we had dried food which is yum by the way once we had tea we got warm clothes on and went bolder hopping and had a really bad head ache which made me slip and it got so bad me and Ethan and Mrs s had to stay behind and waited  for them to come back once we got back we had Milo and William told us about his accident at Mount rapui and the he said dose any and holly m shot her hand up before he finished and then he said take my prosthetic leg off and she put her hand down and i put mine up and he picked me i pulled it off and it felt weird we William finished the talk we got ready for bed we all hoped in bed and Eb and riely and lachlan were talking once they finished taking i fell asleep i woke up and was sore we packed up our stuff and had breakfast then we put our wet shoes on and socks and got a photo ten we headed off  on the tramp back i was at the front for 1 hour and then i started falling back and by then we were so close there isn't much fun stuff to talk about on the way back i just couldn't wait to get home  we had about 40 minutes to go.we were so close all we had to do is walk up a little hill and we were there me hayato and haylley were there finally we had lunch and put our packs in the truck and went to cave streams 

Cave Stream

we were on our way to cave stream once we were there we changed in to our polyesters thermals and mr priddy checked our clothes and we walked down i was quite  nervous we finally got down and the firt two food groups went in while the rest had to wait a bit i was one of them we finally  got in and as soon as i hit the water it was cold  at firt it was up
 to my belly button just a tiny bit above i was so excited  to get in the water and the cave me and my group warned the group behinf us for any drops or slipry  rock and by the time we walked for a bit we were basicly there the last bit was tricky beacause there was a ladder and then a little ledge but it was fine once you did it then we sat at the top were th water was warmer we walked back up and changed if we had time to and hoped back in the cars and vans and went back on the way past they dropped me off